Genius olimpijada 2019

Naši dijaki so se s svojimi raziskovalnimi projekti tudi letos uvrstili na Genius olimpijado v ZDA in zopet dosegli odlične rezultate:
- Bronasta medalja: Bird Watcher - Bird Feeding Station with Automatic Bird Recognition using Deep Learning Andrej Matevc, Aleksanderj Piciga, Kalina Mihelič mentorji: Alenka Mozer, Jaka Konda, Barbara Mihelič
- Srebrna medalja: Can spectroscopy studies (NMR, CD, UV) explain genetic and epigenetic disorders? - An insight into DNA structural differences caused by SLC25A24 point mutations and different methylation patterns in the promoter of BCL-2 Tadej Strah, Gregor Kržmanc mentoji: Alenka Mozer, Uroš Javornik, prof. dr. Janez Plavec
- Častna pohvala: Synthesis of Magnetic Nanochains for Controlled Drug Delivery Tamara Jarm, Deja Juriševič mentorji: dr. Slavko Kralj, Črt Dragar, Gašper Pernek
- Zlata medalja: Web-based platform for noise monitoring in support of DIY sensing tools Luka Skeledžija, Kris Flajs mentorji: Alenka Mozer, dr. David Kocman
- Zlata medalja: Spectroscopic analysis of polyethylene used in hip and knee prosthetics Arne K. Marušič, Matic J. Grdadolnik Mentorji: Alenka Mozer, dr. Urban Novak