Young Researchers of Slovenia 2022

On 16th May, five of our students attended the 56th annual Young Researchers of Slovenia meeting in Murska Sobota, a town in north-eastern Slovenia, where they presented their respective research papers in the fields of biology, psychology, and sociology to a three-member committee composed of experts in the aforementioned fields of study.
The aim of this competition is to promote a love for science and research among students from primary and secondary schools. Although writing a comprehensive research paper can be time-consuming and challenging, especially considering this is done in the students’ free time alongside other school work, the experience is well worth it. Through the process of conducting experiments and evaluating their set hypotheses, students gain invaluable experience in the methods of scientific study, learn to critically analyse results from an objective standpoint, and become more deeply acquainted with topics which are often not included in the standard school curriculum as they are deemed too advanced.
Our students achieved excellent results in this year’s competition. Rok Sušnik and Barbara Makovec were awarded one of only two gold prizes for their work in the field of biology; similarly, Nejc Mihelčič was awarded a gold prize for his research paper in psychology. For their research in the field of sociology, Hana Lupinc Korošec and Katarina Eva Anderluh were each awarded a silver prize.
We are very proud of all five students and wish them well in their future research endeavours and would like to thank those mentors who have assisted them with their projects.
Rok Sušnik